Welcome to Following the Footprints!
We’re on a pretty simple mission. We want to know more about how businesses, big and small, are either creating sustainable change, or are changing to be more sustainable.
Our big idea:
In a world where sustainability strategies are often talked about when they’re either perfect or problematic, we want to focus on progress.
Marketing campaigns come and go, some are believed and some are, well, not. New targets are announced weekly, and success is, rightly, celebrated. However, behind the PR is the progress, and behind the shiny announcements are the smaller achievements. We want to focus on those, and in doing so we want to document not the whys but the hows. Brands are more than their branding, and sustainability is more than a buzzword - it’s a lot of work. We want to talk about this work.
Want to get involved? Here’s how:
Want to get involved? Here’s how:
1. Stay up-to-date
Subscribe, and don’t miss a thing! Every new article published on this platform goes directly to your inbox.
2. Join the crew
Follow our freshly baked LinkedIn page. We’ll share the latest articles from this site, announce upcoming any new series, and might go as far as posting some other interesting things too…
3. Ask away!
We’re throwing it all the way back to the 2010s, with an Ask.fm-esq questions portal. Have a question? Want to see a brand?